He strives to find ways to connect a diverse group of people through concepts like freedom and meaning. His many passions give him new roads and highways to explore ways to break down barriers and form integral connections between all that he loves.
Ryland has always found meaning through being in community with others, experiencing new things and enjoying unique environments. This passion led him to designing and hosting wellness retreats with a company called Live Better. After being a host and teacher on seven international retreats, Ryland has coached hundreds of people to develop meaning in their lives and has even use his lifelong background in surfing to help many catch their very first wave.
After he bought his first camera from the famous photographer Chris Burkard, he has gone on to pave his own path of storytelling. Ryland focuses on immersing himself into new communities and gathering insights, knowledge and stories to then share in an honest and authentic way, whether that is through his art, teaching or experience design. This work has taken him to many parts of the world including places like Liberia, El Salvador and most states in America after living in a van for six months.
Photographer Ryland Hormel traveled across the United States from Alaska to Florida, asking people this very question. The result: a collection of over 100 hand-written responses, alongside photographs that put the answers in context.
Weekend and week long retreats filled with community, intention and discovering your life's purpose.